Thursday, January 29, 2009

Participatory Preparedness Planning (PPP)

One of the obstacles to effective preparedness is that many planners have little or no actual experience with disaster response, so that considerable amounts of learning may be needed before they can comfortably engage in planning activities. Additionally, disaster preparedness is typically only one of many competing demands on their time.

Participatory Preparedness Planning (PPP) is a preparedness planning methodology that integrates participatory design, training and disaster exercise development in order to provide planning teams with a structure for thinking through realistic scenarios, reviewing response plans, and developing realistic action plans accomplishing preparedness tasks.

The methodology assumes that preparedness is an on-going process of planning and training, and that plans are not documents but individual and institutionalized knowledge. It works through a series of meetings in which participants define desirable outcomes and match them to the actions and resources necessary to achieve those outcomes. Thinking of outcomes, actions and resources is done in the context of specific event scenarios that are based on the hazard and risk analysis of the relevant jurisdiction.

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