Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What Would You Do?

This just came across the IAEM mailing list: A simple and very real scenario.

Good Afternoon- as a student and active volunteer I need your opinions. We have no confirmed cases of H1N1 in Aruba, but we have a ship docking on Friday with 3 confirmed cases of H1N1. If it was your island, how would you handle this? Our public health officials are trying to calm the media generated hype. We have cautioned that basic hand washing and not to panic as most cases have been mild. If you were the PIO, how would you approach this? As an EM, beyond the normal concerns, what are your protocols? If you wish, please email me at [deleted, email Susanne if you can help]. I will be talking to our EM soon and wish a spin on this beyond my scope of experience. They say that everything is a lesson-real life schoolroom- but not the way I wanted.

Thank you in advance for your time. Your posts have really helped with my learning.


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