Thursday, December 18, 2008

AHM Preparedness Planning Insights

I've been talking with the folks from All Hazards Management (AHM), a commercial company specializing in supporting disaster preparedness planning. They've done an enormous amount of background research on why most preparedness plans fail when it comes to an actual event:

The vast majority of preparedness efforts rely on individuals with incomplete knowledge and understanding of both preparedness planning and crisis management. Consequently, they vastly underestimate the difficulty and complexity of crisis management, and grossly overestimate existing resources and capabilities, specifically resulting in
  1. Unrealistic assumptions about what the challenges will be
  2. Unrealistic expectations about how people will act
  3. Unrealistic assessments of what resources will be available
  4. Unrealistic scheduling of planning, preparedness and response efforts
Because of the limitations of perspective, most efforts focus on developing tactical plans and purchasing physical resources, neglecting the far more important (and difficult) goals of developing
  1. Strategic plans
  2. Management plans
  3. Crisis leaders
(and, of course, ensure that the three are connected in an actual event).

Simple and obvious, but deeply insightful!

(And, yes, AHM has a comprehensive model for coaching organizations through an effective planning process, along with technologies to support both planning and knowledge transfer.)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Good Design

Good design is about identifying and satisfying hidden constraints in
an emotionally satisfying manner.